Developer Guides
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Creating a new Flowformer app

To create a new Flowformer app, you need to go to the Flowformer studio Flowformer Studio (opens in a new tab). Then click on the "Create your first app" button.

Create your first app

Once you create your app, you'll see a few steps to follow to get started with your app.

New app steps

The first step is to run the following command in your terminal to create a new Flowformer app using the package manager you prefer.

# Using npm
npx @flowformer/create-app
# Using pnpm
pnpm dlx @flowformer/create-app
# Using yarn
yarn dlx @flowformer/create-app
pnpm dlx @flowformer/create-app

Then you'll be asked to enter your app id and sandbox id. You can find these values in the Flowformer studio.

New app steps

When you're done, you can run cd into your app directory and run the following command to start your app.

npm run dev

Once you run the command, you'll be asked to authenticate with your Flowformer account. After you authenticate, you can return to the studio tab in your browser and interact with your app.

Terminal showing the result of running npm dev

And that's it! You've created your first Flowformer app.

The create-app command will create a new Flowformer app with a schema that's designed for generating PowerPoint presentations. You can modify the schema to create any app you want. For more information on the schema language, see the Schema Language guide.

New app ready