Developer Guides
Flowform language

Flowform Language

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Flowform schema language, which is used to define the structure and behavior of your Flowformer applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Schema Structure
  3. Model Declarations
  4. Attributes
  5. Union Declarations
  6. Field Definitions
  7. Functions
  8. Literals and Primitive Types


The Flowform schema language allows you to create well-structured and customizable generative AI applications. By defining models, attributes, unions, fields, and functions, you can build sophisticated applications with ease.

Schema Structure

A Flowform schema is composed of multiple definition nodes. Each definition node can be one of the following:

  • Model Declaration
  • Attribute Declaration
  • Function Declaration
  • Union Declaration

These nodes collectively define the behavior and structure of your Flowformer application.

Model Declarations

Model declarations are the core of your schema, defining the main data structures used in your application.


model ModelName (attributes)* {
    fieldName FieldType (optional)? (attributes)* (functionPipes)*


model Presentation {
    title String? @description("The title of the presentation")
    slides PresentationSlide[] @description("The slides in the presentation.") @itemRenderer("PresentationSlide")


Attributes provide additional metadata and behavior to models and fields.

Using Attributes

Attributes can be applied to models and fields.

model Presentation {
    title String @description("The title of the presentation")

Union Declarations

Union declarations allow you to define a type that can be one of several specified types.


union UnionName = Type1 | Type2 | Type3


union PresentationSlide = SingleImageSlide | BulletPointSlide | TitleOnlySlide

Field Definitions

Fields define the properties of a model. They specify the name, type, and optional attributes or functions associated with the field.


fieldName FieldType (optional)? (attributes)* (functionPipes)*


model BulletPointSlide {
    title String @description("The title of the slide")
    narration String @description("The narration for the slide")
    bulletPoints String[] @description("The bullet points on the slide")

Optional Fields

Fields can be optional, indicated by a ?.

title String?

Field Functions

Fields can have functions applied to them using pipes.

queryForImage String -> fn generateImage as generatedImage @description("The generated image")



The language currently supports declaring functions, but the Flowformer platform does not yet support implementing them.

Functions define custom logic that can be applied to fields.


fn functionName(paramName: Type) => ReturnType


fn generateImage(query: String) => ImageType

Literals and Primitive Types

The Flowform language supports several primitive types and literal values.

Primitive Types

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean


String Literal

"title" | 'title'

Number Literal


Boolean Literal

true | false

Literal Expressions

Literal expressions can be used as attribute arguments.

@description("This is a description")